Volunteer with Our
Children's & Youth Ministries

  1. Complete the Volunteer Application

    • Download the application using the link below or pick up a printed copy in the Nursery or Children's Ministry Office.
    • If you need assistance obtaining an application, please contact the Children's Ministry Director or the church office.
  2. Submit Your Application

    • Once completed and signed, return your application to the Children's Ministry Director, Nursery Director, or Office Administrator.
  3. Complete the Required Training & Screening

    • After submitting your application, visit the Volunteer Training Page to review FPC’s Abuse Prevention Guidelines.
    • You will receive an email from MobilizeMyMinistry requesting consent for a background check (Check your spam folder!).
    • Once your background check is approved, you will receive another email with a link to the required safety training video and quiz.

Your willingness to serve makes a difference in the lives of our children and youth. Thank you for helping create a safe and Christ-centered environment for them to grow!

Volunteer Application for Working with Children & Youth