Women Encouraging Women to Grow in Relationship to God and Each Other

In the Body of Christ we live. And whether you see yourself as a hand, an ear, a knee, or a back molar, you and I are an integral part of Christ's church body and as so eloquently described by Paul in 1 Corinthians, "God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be" (1 Corinthians 12:18). 

Our Women's Ministry here at the FPC Niceville is focused on providing events, programs, and studies that encourage and strengthen our women as they grow and continue to discover their place in God's body of believers. All of the programs and events are prayerfully designed to motivate, encourage, and teach us all in seeing what our own relationship with Christ looks like. Our women's groups and functions are planned for the building of friendships, the joy in sharing blessings and talents, but most of all to embolden you and me to be a woman of influence within our home, church, and community. Providing the support that each of us needs, enabling us to step up and step out and be that part of Christ's body that He has called us to be, that's what the Women's Ministry here at First Presbyterian embraces as their vision. 

Opportunities to Connect:

Monday Morning Women's Bible Study - Meets 9:30-11:00am in the FPC Youth Center.
On hiatus July and August. 

Thursday Evening Women's Small Group - Meets 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm every 2nd & 4th Thursday,
in the FPC Youth Center.

Special Events - As listed on the Calendar

We pray that each of our programs will strengthen a facet of your relationship with Christ and build you up as you focus on Him and what He has planned for your life unfolds. 

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